We are very proud and we think it is a great opportunity for hundreds of people flying from all over the world to read about the accessibility of tourism in the Visegrad countries!
Universal Air’s Winter 2024-2025 in-flight magazine features the Hidden City Tor-Tour in the three cities of the project. Universal Air’s beautiful in-flight magazine will inform readers that in Pécs, Poznan and Vrchlabi accessible tourism facilities are available for people with disabilities, elderly people, families with young children and anyone else who is more comfortable.
Our advertisement in the magazine aims to promote the Hidden City Tor tour as a best practice and a unique opportunity for accessible tourism. As part of our “Walk in Our Shoes” project, supported by the Visegrad Fund, the Hungarian People First Association promoted the Hidden City Tor-Tour to its Polish and Czech partners through training and study tours. Currently, the tour is being implemented not only in Pécs, but also in Poznan and Vrchlabi, and we have also raised awareness of the tour among the flying public.